
Monday, August 13, 2012

Please vote and help me win a new Babylock Symphony signed by Eleanor Burns!!

I am Eleanor Burn's greatest fan!!!
The very first quilt I made as an adult was for my daughter's graduation.  The pattern is from Eleanor Burns' "Quilter's Almanac".  Please click here to vote for me as Eleanor's greatest admirer   (PG. 6)
I appreciate your help VERY MUCH!!


Sunday, August 12, 2012

SewCalGal 2012 FMQ Challenge Results for August

1.  Study Wendy Sheppard's post on SewCalGal.  Check.  Read posts on SewCalGal's August FMQ post.  Check. Doodling for days...drawing ready.  Check.
2.  New quilt sandwich with a batting I haven't tried before.  Check.
3.  After 15 minutes of re-arranging, machine is completely ready to go.
New 90/14 top stitching needle, 30w Sulky in top, Aerofil in bobbin, feed dogs down, replaced embroidery bobbin case with free motion quilting bobbin case, lowered table, etc.

4.  I'm ready to rock like Jack Black in "School of Rock"!

5.  My machine is NOT!
Spend 10+ minutes checking over everything...I find the...

More adjustments.  Change bobbin cases back.  Adjust tension many times.  Try, try again and...

A little better, but thread breaks after six to eight inches of quilting.
Tension is still off.

I've used this same spool of 30w Sulky before with success.

Any suggestions?

Maybe I'm missing something completely??

I am thinking about using 30w Sulky in top and bobbin....what do you think?  
Would it be too thick for the bobbin or not?

By the way, I love the Jester's hats design that Ivory Spring demonstrated for this month's SewCalGal 2012 FMQ Challenge.  Thank you - I love the design!!  Apparently, it doesn't love me!  LOL!!!

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Binding Tutorial - tricks to make it look great!

Welcome to Tootorial Tuesday!

Taking a class at my local quilt shop proved very helpful for my lack of binding skills!  I'd like to show you pictures (they're worth 1,000 words, right?)  Here's a few new binding friends:

Steam-A-Seam 2 and...

 ...Wonder Tape!

Apply to inside of attached binding...

But before we get to this point, how did we create the binding tape in the first place?

Lots of people suggest cutting binding on the bias, but many quilters use strips of as little at 1 3/4" to 2 1/4" or 2 1/2" - cutting these strips with perfect accuracy is easy-peasy with AccuQuilt
Watch this video or this video for hands-on, bias cut instructions.

Sewing together your binding tape how-to's:
The corner is going the wrong way here:

Using a strip of painter's tape will help keep you on the 1/4" seam line

Keep the corner pointing to the left - this is correct

You can chain piece as long as the corners always point to the left, as in the photo below:

Make your binding tape at least 16" longer than the length you need (8" for each end)
and then press the seams OPEN instead of to one side to avoid lumps

Apply your binding with 1/4" seam along the edge. 
Apply this to the wrong or right side of your piece, as you wish.

Using a straight stitch and 1/4" seam, sew along the edge, stopping 1/4" before the end of the piece.

Move the piece to the side and turn the binding straight up, placing your thumb on the corner of the binding, as follows:

Carefully pin or hold the corner down while your right hand turns the binding back over along the edge of the next side, as follows:

Begin sewing with a straight stitch 1/4" from the edge of the piece again...

Complete all four corners and leave an unsewn gap of 12" (stopping that far away from where you first began sewing on the binding).  See below:

Iron on the Steam a Seam 2 or Wonder Tape onto the binding tape, leaving the paper backing on!

Now, use your favorite binding tool to aid you in creating a nice 45 degree angle for each end...

which comes with instructions directly on the tool itself or you can watch this youtube tutorial from the Missouri Quilt Company

I mean, if a picture is worth 1,000 words, then a video is worth about 10,000, right?!?

(Thank you, Missouri Quilt Company for yet another great youtube tutorial!)

Mark your 45 degree angle with the tool

After marking both ends, cut along the marks on both ends

Clip or pin right sides of binding ends together, then sew, using a 1/4" seam

After you finish the seam, sew the remaining 12" opening down onto your piece using 
the 1/4" seam allowance again.

Now it's time to remove the tape from the Steam a Seam 2 and press the binding over to the other side of your work, saving the four corners for last.

Choose a nice hand-look stitch on your machine (I chose the #56 on my Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.0) and sewing down the binding on the opposite side (right side, in my case.)

(You would want to finish by hand if your quilt will be exhibited in a show or judged in competition:)

Do you love tutorials?

Please leave a link to your favorites in the comments below.

Thank you!


Thursday, August 2, 2012

ALL CALL: Donations for Aurora, CO!

Calling all quilters!

We are collecting and having sent out handmade quilts for the first responders and survivors of the Aurora, Colorado tragedy.

We need lap sized quilts or a bit larger 45 x 45 is good or a bit larger. You can make them any size you wish and colors can be anything. Just please think unisex colors. Address to send quilts, crocheted or knitted blankets which will go to the Aurora, Colorado emergency responders and victims to is:

Aurora Communications

Dispatch Ctr

Attn: Julie Buck

23911 E Arapahoe Rd

Aurora, CO 80016


Donated quilts thus far include...

This from Julie Buck of Aurora Emergency Telecommunications:
I would like to thank all the "angel quilters" in advance. We have received so much care and support and your additions are awesome and much appreciated!

from Jennifer Robin of Illinois - what a beauty!

To see more, 'like' their fb page...