
Sunday, January 30, 2011

Civil War BOM January is complete!

Well, this is an interesting time to realize all three fabrics are directional....
Even the red is directional upon closer inspection.
My rule of thumb from this moment forward shall be:
"Only God is perfect."
My little imperfections will remind me that I'm just humble human and that's OK with me!

The directions call for adding all four squares (going the same direction as the large center square in a square (red diamond middle)...but I found it easier to take two of the four outside strips off, attach the red squares to the end, and then sew the entire strip all the way across.  Much better now:

Ta-dah!  It does measure 16"x16" and I think it looks great - imperfections and all!
The pattern really is beautiful, unlike anything I have ever pieced before.

Challenge:  one of the blue squares is facing the wrong direction...can you tell which one?


middle blue triangle, 2nd row down from the top


several small red triangles in the HST are going a different direction


even though all of the white directional fabric is running the same direction around the entire outside, the inner white squares are all running the opposite direction!

There!  My mistakes out there for all to see.... :-)

What I got right:  the final block size
the large red squares are running directionally the same way
all the blue (except one) are directionally correct
and all the white are running the same direction all around the outside
and all around the inside instead of being all mixed up (like the small red HST's!)

I still like it!  What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think it looks great and your directions are going in the right way. WIll I re-do mine? NO! LOL!!


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