
Monday, January 31, 2011

Katie quilts for her puppy dog!

Katie came to JoAnn Fabrics with me this evening and we happened upon a fantastic sale on fleece.  $8/yd normally was on sale for $3 and marked an extra 50%, so we bought alot of it!  Not one to let anything stop her once she has an idea, she watched a youtube clip on cutting out a tie fleece blanket and brought it straight upstairs to get help tying from Mom :-)  Gunnar was so excited, he could hardly wait to try out his new blanky:

Here's the happy recipient with his mistress.

Spoiled poochie receives warm blanky for winter-weather.


Katie couldn't resist trying it out, too!  The cute little paw prints on the red fleece are sure cute.  Nice work, Katie!  

Have any of you ever made a tie blanket?  If so, who was it for?

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