
Sunday, March 6, 2011

Civil War Chronicles BOM March Tips: Rocknquilts Template Trial & AccuQuilt extra fabric requirements and cutting directions!

In my previous post, I created a template to try for the CWC March BOM. Also, you will find what I've done with the fabric cutting using AccuQuilt so far today:

Extra fabric needed to complete the four March blocks HST's:
6" of Fabric 1
6" of Febric 2
3" of Fabric 6

(I hope that helps some of you to avoid an extra trip back to the shop this month in the snow and ice!)

I had saved the fabrics from the January block, as Homestead Hearth suggested, so I had enough for the large, blue triangles.

As for the AccuQuilt, make sure your striped fabric for the HST's are all laying right-side up and facing the direction you want in your final block...

The HST's are easy enough for children to assist you with!

1st cut the fabric with the template laying face up,
then turn over and cut again - keep in mind that the open edges of the fabric will keep you going at the correct 45 degree angle if you match the bottom of your template to it.

Here's my mock-up of the CWC March BOM with my one-piece template diagonal center.

Everything's cut out and ready to sew up!  I'll post that next.  

I'm excited to see if it comes out right or not!

How's your progress with your BOM(s)?

Happy creating!  Mary Ann at Rocknquilts


  1. WOW! That looks great on the table cut like that.

    I made the first 64 HST's today. I will try to get the rest finished next month. This time I used my Triangulations program to make the HST's. SEW MUCH EASIER!!! From now on this will be the way I go.

  2. Thank you, Yvette!!
    I'd never heard of the Triangulations program before, so I googled it and found it here:
    This is fantastic because you will be able to create the 700 1 1/2" HST's in the border since you can create any size HST by the 1/8" - very nice!
    May I ask where you heard about this program - it looks great and it's nice to see it doesn't cost $1000+!


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