
Sunday, April 10, 2011

Design Wall Monday

I have several quilt tops in the works from the Harriet & Carrie Hargrave Quilter's Academy Series...
the series runs like a college course, from freshman year through Master's.  This is project 1 from freshman year:

Project 2 "Woodland Winter":

Project 3 "Carrie's Cowboy Corral":

Project 4 "Harriet's Triple Rail Fence":

There are a total of eleven projects in the Freshman Year Vol. 1 of the "Quilter's Academy" series.  First, you  practice piecing eleven quilt tops, then putting the borders on  your eleven tops, then quilting all eleven projects and finally binding them all.  By the time you do all these things in this type of succession, your eleventh piece, which is the "final", is going to be very nice!  I'm happy to have experts to learn from.  I encourage you to try it, too.

My Civil War Chronicles BOM Quilt Jan.-March is ready for...

the eight April blocks to be made:

and my Eleanor Burns' Quilt As You Go from the quilting class is nearing completion:

 (Sorry, this should be dated 4/6/2011)

I began quilting in September 2010 and am very happy I started!  If you're 'riding the fence' wondering if you should or if you can, trust me, you can with the right people to get you going.  Take a quilting class at your local quilt shop - call them up and ask them when the next class begins.  You do not need a fancy, expensive sewing machine.  I sewed on my 1990 Singer for twenty years before investing in a $350 Janome Jem Gold 3 - no computer, no problems.  It doesn't have to be expensive.  There are sales flyers and promotions.  I researched and studied at the library (free) and before I made a purchase, I made careful consideration by reading Harriet & Carrie Hargrave's "setting up your sewing room" lesson in their "Quilter's Academy" Vol. 1 Freshman Year.  It's available right here:

Best wishes to you and your beginning!
Some people say that quilting is cheaper than therapy bills -
I agree! :-)  Not to mention, tons more fun
and you will meet the greatest people!
Don't wait any longer
is my advice :-)

1 comment:

  1. Looks like you've been having fun! It's hard to believe that you have only been quilting since September last year. I get my April CWC block materials next week.


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