
Sunday, May 22, 2011

What I did at work on Saturday....

Working on a Saturday might not appeal to some, but I have a LOT of fun where I work!!!

Cindy and I organized a give-away in conjunction with a service project:

Julie is helping me prepare my red jacket for embroidery on the Brother PR-1000 "Perfect 10" embroidery machine

Here she is placing tear-away stabilizer in the hoop

Meet Jimmy.  He can fix anything on a sewing/embroidery machine - he's an awesome quilter, too!

Meet Jim, owner of J&R and Cindy's husband.  He's about the nicest guy on the planet!

I got to work on my Civil War Chronicles quilt today.
I had never sewn on a Pfaff before and now - guess what? - I am in LOVE with the quilt expression 4.0!

The "IDT" system is a dream and look below to see how you can keep the machine moving (like a serger) after you run out of fabric, so you have no loose threads, it gives the threads a nice twist - very cool!

Oh, yes...back to my red jacket!
After locating all 16 required colors of embroidery threads (we use Floriani),
it took maybe 2 minutes to thread the ten needle PR-1000 because it has an automatic threader button!

Here's my finished jacket!


When I got home, I had squishies in the mail!!!
This one is from a mug rug swap and was sent to me by
Thank you SEW much, Laine!!!
How adorable is the fabric remnant she included?!?

AND...I received my "Shop Hopper" pattern from Linda at
I would like to make this and hang it up at work for display!

AND to top it all off, after work, my DD, DH and I went for a walk down by the very full Missouri River.

Thanks be to God!
What a marvelous, wonderful day!!
God BLESS you!!!!


  1. oh it is so nice that you found this job Mary are having so much fun.

  2. I knew you would be able to jump right in and fit in too!

  3. It seems as if your job is a dreamjob, thats great!
    I like to visit your blog ☺

  4. It sounds like you had a really good day! I'm so glad your pattern arrived, too.


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