
Sunday, October 2, 2011

Civil War Chronicles Oct. BOM

My apologies for the long absence...the beginning of the school year for this teacher has been extra hectic, but here's what I was able to do today for quilting!

October's block chronicles the life of Lucy Webb Hayes

1 1/8" finished Half Square Triangles (HST) are required, so I printed them out from 

It says:
Properly printed Triangulations grid will measure 6"x10"
HST 1 1/8" finished size
page yields 30 half square triangles

Do you see THAT name in my day planner?!?
Yes, how exciting!
I am going to spend two hours listening to Nancy Zieman's tips on Nov. 10th right here in my hometown!

I printed on regular computer paper and used a brand-new 90/14 quilting needle.

I set the tension down to 1.0 and used a stitch length of 1.0
The teeny, tiny stitches made the paper fall right off!

Begin sewing on the dashed lines, then
cut on the straight lines.

"No" cutting corners here - LOL!

Wow, these are tiny.  The smallest I've ever made before.

How's your CWC coming along?  
How did you choose to do your 1 1/8" finished HSTs?
Are you doing the next one?

Want-to-be Quilters be sure to stop by Stash Manicure each Monday, Wednesday and Friday
Current Quilters each Tuesday and Thursday
Only one month left to win!

All the Best,


  1. Yay,you are back! I for one missed your posts :)

  2. You're doing well to have surfaced this quickly after school started back.... things are hectic at all three of my schools!

    The "Thangles" thing is very interesting... will have to give that a try sometime!

  3. I use print-out HST grids all the time. The only way to go for lots of them. :D

    Hey, if you feel like also linking your post up at BOMs Away, this would be a great one to share with the others there. In case you do, here's the URL. No sweat, though, if you don't.

  4. I am also doing the Chronicles BOM and swear by triangle paper for this project! I am using Quilt-Pro's Triangle Magic software to print mine.

    I use drawing paper purchased in pads from the dollar store. I have to cut them to size to fit the printer but find the weight of the paper easy to tear (it's like newsprint) and the cheap price doesn't hurt either!

    Even though I am still waayy behind (just finished the Month 5 corner blocks last Saturday, the same day that the Month 9 packet came in) there is NO WAY I would have gotten even this far without them.

    1-1/2 inch squares in Month 10? -- Bring It On!!


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