
Monday, February 18, 2013

Liebster Award!

has nominated me for the 
and has eleven questions for me, which I'm happy to answer for her.

1. Biggest quilt inspiration?
My grandfather sewed many quilts and sleeping under them even to this day helps me remember him.
2. Favorite spot to get away?
I love to retreat to my machine after work, wherever it may be set up.
3. Why do you blog?
Blogging has been a blessing - at first, it was a way to keep track of my new hobby of quilting (2009), but now it's a way to share and learn from others.
4. What is one thing from earlier in your life that you wish was still available today?
Richie Rich comic books!  I just loved Little Dot and Dollar, his side-kicks.
5. Favorite TV show
Sewing with Nancy on PBS.
6. Favorite place to get fabric?
My local quilt shops :-)
7. What are your thoughts on scraps?
Cut 'em up with my AccuQuilt cutter and make them into usable 2.5" and 5" squares or 2.25" or 2.50" strips.  Anything smaller than 2.5" square goes into a bag that I'll use once it fills up to stuff dog beds.
8. Where do most of your quilts end up?
Covering up chilly folks ;-)
9. Favorite time of year?
As a football 'widow', I now love that time of year.  The sound of my machine drowns out the games on TV!
10. What are you most proud of in your life?
My marriage to the most wonderful man on the planet!  ;-)
11. What kind of quilting helper do you have?
My daughter, son and granddaughter all help me with quilting.  My 19 year old helps me select color combinations, my son helps me 'crank' the AccuQuilt Go! Cutter handle and my granddaughter helps me sew straight lines!

The fun parts of the nomination includes
--- Telling 11 things about yourself
--- answer the questions posed to you be the nominator
--- choose other bloggers to nominate (must have under 200 followers)
--- create 11 questions for your nominees
--- once nominated link back to the blogger that nominated you so they can learn more about you.

So, I am nominating a very good quilting buddy of mine, who also has her own etsy shop and has been a tremendous inspiration to me, CeLynn of CeLynn's Sunflower Patch!!

1.  What got you started sewing and quilting?
2.  How long have you been selling items on etsy?
3.  What is the most difficult and challenging quilt you've ever made?
4.  Is there anything that you haven't yet tried as far as patterns go, but would like to make one day?
5.  Have you ever made a quilt to give away to someone?
6.  What do you create besides quilts?
7.  What's your favorite color or color scheme?
8.  Which do you like best:  purses or perfume?
9.  What's your favorite brand of sewing machine?
10.  Where do you purchase most of your sewing and quilting items?
11.  Have you ever purchased something from an etsy shop?

All the Best,


  1. Yay -- I love learning more about the people that I follow, it helps to give you a more individualized voice when I read your blogs.

  2. Thanks for the Liebster Award, Katie! Glad to share more about myself - thank you for the opportunity :-)

  3. Mary Ann,I am so honored that you find inspiration on my blog! It was fun answering your questions :0)
    Kind of funny that you were thinking of me,as just yesterday I pulled out the sweet purse you so kindly gifted me,from its place on the shelf and am now using it again!

    I was feeling the need for something springy :0) Thanks again,I still love it!


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