
Saturday, January 21, 2012

FMQ success and SewCalGal 2012 Challenge

Success on my Brother Innovis 4000D today using free motion quilting "stippling" - I use the term loosely because I've gone outside the lines and crossed over more than I should have,'s pretty good for my first fmq quilt.  I've got Sulky 30w variegated in the top thread, Presencia 60w in the bobbin and with tension set to 4.0 I'm quite happy with the result.  I've noticed today how important it is to secure the beginning and ending with four stitches or so in the same spot so that the fmq doesn't come loose.  Amazing what little, but so important, things you notice.  I was very pleased overall with the result.  My machine didn't skip stitches, I broke no needles (knock on wood) and managed to impress a quilting buddy.  All in all, a good day!  Many happy returns, Mary Ann
I've been inspired to join the SewCalGal 2012 Challenge - here's the link if you're interested, too...


  1. Very nice job with the stippling... ya done good!

  2. Awesome! So glad to hear from you :) Hope all is well and good in your neck of the woods!

  3. Well it looks good to me....Isn't it nice when things just go right.


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