
Thursday, January 26, 2012

January 2012 FMQ Challenge (SewCalGal)

January's challenge on SewCalGal are leaves by 
I began by practicing drawing heart-shaped leaves by hand

Here's the result with thread!
In the sun, the 90% silk batting practice square looks as luxurious to the touch as it feels
I purchased a complete set of batting quilting squares from Harriet Hargrave
and will use twelve for the SewCalGal 2012 Challenge
I cut muslin today and prepared all twelve month's worth in just a couple of minutes...easy to do with pre-cut batting squares from Harriet's!  (They do all the work!)
I couldn't resist putting in a photo of my recently completed first twin-sized quilt for my daughter's high school graduation - I began it 18 months ago - does time fly!

If you would like to expand your machine quilting techniques, please join the 2012 Free-Motion Quilting Challenge

Best wishes,


  1. Great looking leaves Mary don`t need to practice.

  2. I'm looking forward to getting to know different techniques...stippling is going well, feathers I still need work on, but I had never practiced leaves before...seems if a person can draw it, then "think" it while practicing on the quilt square, it comes right out - like drawing with thread! Thanks for the compliment, Marjorie :-)

  3. Beautiful leaves - I especially like the photo in the sun. Lovely to see how the silk batting quilted - that is one that I want to try.

  4. This is just what I needed to get myself motivated. Thanks!


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