
Saturday, February 11, 2012

Embroidery Machine do or not to do? What is YOUR opinion?

I spent the day at at my local embroidery machine dealer's John Deer (no 'e') event and came up with a question for the quilter's out there...

"Embroidery Machine do or not to do?  
What is your opinion?"  

While at class, I was a bit surprised (showing my ignorance naïvety now) when one of the other attendees mentioned that 4-H groups are not allowed to submit quilts to be judged locally if they are not completely hand made and not done by machine.  Now, I didn't get a chance to ask her if she meant a regular sewing machine, too, or if she meant by embroidery machine.  She did mention that no long-armers can finish their work, either.'s some photographs of quilts I took at the event which were completely done by embroidery machine - quilt squares, finishing, stippling, everything....

stippling done by embroidery machine....

Here's the six needle I got to borrow today...

I'm loving the scrapbook approach to quilting here....

Sorry this quilt's picture didn't come through the way it really looks, which is absolutely gorgeous!

There's the Modern Quilt Guild nowadays and many different types of quilting...does quilting with embroidery machine have a place to fit in?  

What is your opinion?

Here's a little more 'food' for thought by Jenny Haskins....

I love quilting with needle and thread, my 1927 Singer, Mom's old Kenmore, my daughter's Janome Jem Gold, my Brother Innovis 4000D, and my Pfaff Quilt Expression 4.0.....I think I'm learning to embrace more avenues to getting there and am still wanting to learn enough to finish my great grandmother's WWII parachute silk quilt top she started!


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