
Tuesday, December 4, 2012

2012 SewCalGal FMQ Challenge final post

Ode to the 2012 SewCalGal FMQ Challenge

It's time to say goodbye much too soon...
but I'd like to take this time
to add a 'thank you' line
to my SewCalGal 2012 FMQ Challenge blogger pals!

These are the only gals
who understood my 'tension'
when I about FMQ to my online family would mention
Who else would ever understand and know
exactly how tough (and eventually rewarding ) it would be to give it a 'go'?

But through all our thread trials and tension tribulations
we simply must make considerations
for none of us is perfect, but it is alright to shine
through fabric, batting, thread and the comments of blogger friends of mine!

Link to monthly challenges.
View all Grand Prize entries HERE.

I really appreciated Miss Moore's video tutorial and by starting us out with a very do-able FMQ design of leaves.
Entry #154. Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts (*Photos are 'broken', my apologies.  Please advise how to fix.)

2.  February with Expert Diane Guardynski
Miss Guardynski is a skilled expert and her blog as well as her detailed tutorial really helped raise the bar.
She made feathers something I would begin to attempt, before this tutorial I had always shied away.

3.  March with Expert Ann Fahl
Miss Fahl provided us with tremendous insight about how to begin to utilize the proper thread, needle, tension, etc. with a booklet that I was lucky enough to print out within the month it was offered.  I also chose to purchase her book and have found it has greatly added to my FMQ knowledge.

I ordered two of Mr. Linn's books and found them wonderfully easy to understand.  His approach makes a person feel successful right away.  His method of transfer is one I have used again and again.  I used this method to transfer a Pooh bear to an infant's quilt.
Entry #28.  Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts *
I was able to manage to salvage this photo of his transfer method:

Miss Day is raising a family and perfecting her FMQ skills.  Her unique designs and blog are full of tremendously valuable information.  I used her designs in my camping checkers quilt.

6.  June with Expert Cindy Needham
Miss Needham showed us the beauty of whole cloth quilting on antique linens.  I also purchased her book, but am still too shy to begin quilting on one of my great grandmother's antique linen tablecloths.

7.  July with Expert Angela Walters
As a part of the Creative Troupe, I was lucky enough to preview her first book before it came out.  Modern free motion quilting techniques are her specialty and this was yet another aspect of the many-faceted FMQ challenge.  I found out that I really like quilting straight lines, too.

Miss Sheppard let us know that organic and less than perfect is good.  This was a relief to me :-)  I was able to relax and enjoy her "Jester's Hats" design.
Entry #18.  Mary Ann @ RocknQuilts
This result 'resulted' in the purchase of a new machine!

Miss Reid showed us how to utilitze our space to make it possible to quilt large quilts and support them while using a domestic machine.  Her practical tips about gripping fabric and sliding the fabric were something I continue to use each FMQ day.

10.  October with Expert Teri Lucas
Miss Lucas challenged us to go beyond cotton and use satin or silk and many various types of threads and thread weights.  I found out that silk is really challenging for me personally (as it is so fine), but that rayon looks shiny and beautiful and is easier to use.

Miss Loomis just blew me away.  By this point in the year, I was 'ready' for her challenge.  After printing out the PDF file she provided, I used Don Linn's method of transfer and with cotton in the bobbin, rayon embroidery thread in the needle and a beautiful cotton sheen fabric, I created the most satisfying and fulfilling design and free motion quilting I have ever made before.  I am finally happy with my creation!

Miss Vedeler also provided PDF files for practice with pencil and paper before thread and fabric.  I didn't practice much, but visualized alot and was happy with the creation of her 'spirals' design.  This will be perfect for windy scenes, nautical themes or to depict snow falling.  Spirals creates a nice 'movement'.

Thank you sew very much, SewCalGal for making all of this possible - I learned so much this year thanks to you and your FMQ experts!  I sincerely hope that you will consider hosting this event again in the future.  Please comment if you agree!

All the Best,


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